

This is going to be a quick little post!

I arrived in town Monday night and discovered that for some reason everything in the garden had grown and bloomed and gone crazy!  Must be spring!

Also…it does not look like anybody has touched the lawn with a mower in weeks!  Not sure why….can’t find my local yard maintenance man…hope he is okay!

All the wild roses along the fence are blooming which is great since I cut them all way back about six weeks ago.



Spent a good part of yesterday weeding and discovering all the growing things in my yard.  When we bought the cottage last August all of the spring flowers were long gone so I wasn’t sure what I had out here.  It was fun to discover what all is coming up and blooming this time of year. Love this huge bed of iris that is growing all along the north fence….


The rhododendron are in full bloom!  Last summer this long row looked half dead by the end of August and of course were no longer in bloom so I had no idea what these were like.  Pretty colors, right?  Lots of weeding to do and fresh mulch to spread….

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And lots more ivy to pull…..

IMG_3178Love all of the iris peaking out from all kinds of little pockets in the garden…

So that’s it for now….need to track down a guy with a lawn mower!

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